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Sending Learning Records to Another System

The learning environment allows you to send learning records to an another system via the Learning Record Exchange (LRX).  This innovative framework is ideal for example when:

  • An organization needs to send learning records to a 3rd party to prove that their staff have completed a course for accreditation purposes
  • A 3rd party vendor needs proof of competency before activating either a device (e.g. glucose meter) or software application (EMR) for a specific individual

Step-by-step Guide

To send learning records to another system:

  1. Go to the course in question
  2. Click on Course Administration > Learning Record Exchange
  3. Click on the "Add" button
  4. Select the destination for the site in question
  5. Click on the "Add" button

Once the above steps are completed, learning records for this course will be sent to the 3rd party recipient going forward

The following learning records will not be sent to the recipient.

  • Existing (legacy) learning records
  • Learning records that are uploaded using a CSV file
  • Learning records generated as part of a course equivalency application
  • Learning records received from another recipient via the Learning Record Exchange

Important Notes:

  • The list of destinations is pre-filtered based on the integrations available in your system. If you need to integrate to a system and it does not appear in the list, please contact your administrator or Dual Code via our Help Centre.
  • When this feature is enabled, it only sends learning records going forward. In other words, enabling this feature will not send learning records that already exist.  If you need to send old learning records, please contact your administrator or Dual Code via our Help Centre.

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