Getting Notified when Someone Completes a Course
There are times when instructors (or other individuals) need to be notified whenever a learner completes a course. While there are different ways of accomplishing this, the best approach is to attach a certificate of completion to a course and then have a copy of the certificate automatically emailed to the instructor (or other individual in question) whenever a learning record is issued. Note that this method works best when leveraging the System-Level Certificates of Completion and not so well when using the "Simple Certificate" activity within a course. We will explain why later in this article.
Step-by-step Guide
To receive a notification when someone completes a course:
- Design a system-level certificate of completion
- If you have NO certificates at all in your system, you can follow this procedure.
- If you have "Simple Certificate" activities added directly in courses, we recommend you convert them by following this procedure.
- Ensure that the "Email Teachers" or "Email Others" options are properly configured in the "Issue Options" section of the system-level certificate (see screenshot below)
- Attach the certificate to your course(s)
- This can be done one course at a time by following this procedure, or in bulk by following this procedure.
- If you used the "Email Teachers" option, make sure you specify a teacher for the course.
- Make sure the course is properly set up to issue learning records.
Whenever a user complete the course and a learning record is issued, the certificate of completion will be automatically emailed to them and a second / separate email will be sent to the teacher (or others depending on what you selected in step #2 above).
Important Notes
- We recommend system-level certificates over the "Simple Certificate" activity that is embedded in the topic outline for numerous reasons. One of the key reasons is that in order for the "Simple Certificate" activity to be emailed to the instructor, the learner must explicitly click on it. In other words, the "Simple Certificate" activity is not automatically emailed to anyone. On the other hand, the system-level certificate is automatically emailed to both learners and instructors whenever a learning record is generated.
Related Articles
- Designing a Certificate of Completion
- Issuing Certificates of Completion
- Attaching a Site-level Certificate to Courses in Bulk
- Tracking Completion