Manually Enroling Users in Courses
As an instructor, you can manually enrol users in courses. This is true regardless of the role you want to grant the users (e.g. student, instructor, etc.).
Step-by-step Guide
To manually assign someone a role (instructor or student) in a course:
Navigate to the course in question
Go to Course Administration > Users > Enrolled users
Click on the "Enrol Users" button at the top or bottom of the screen
In the pop-up window, select the role that you want to assign in the "Assign roles" pulldown menu. By default, the selected role is "Student" but you may select another role from the list.
Find the user(s) in question and click on the "Enrol" button next to their name
When you are finished, click on the "Enrol users" button to close the pop-up window.
If you do not find the user's name in the pop-up window in step #4 above, it's likely because the user is already enrolled in the course. (The other option is that the user does not exist in the system.) If the user is already enrolled in the course and you simply want to give them a different role (i.e. someone is a student but you want to make them an instructor), you can change their role by following these instructions:
Navigate to the course in question
Go to Course Administration > Users > Enrolled users
Find the user in question
To give the user an additional role, click on the "Edit" icon in the "Roles" column next to the user's name and select the additional role you want to give him/her
To revoke a role from a user, click on the X next to the role in question in the "Roles" column next to the user's name
When you are finished, click on the "Save" icon

Important Notes
If the course is mandatory and need to be tracked for compliance purposes, you'll want to use programs to register students in courses.
If there are a lot of users to enrol and are a System Administrator, you may want to consider uploading your users instead, which can be used to enrol users in programs and courses (even if the user accounts already exist).
When enrolling users using the step-by-step guide above, you are leverage an enrollment method called "Manual". This is one of numerous methods available within the learning environment. If you prefer that students self-register in courses, including self-register in courses that have a fee associated with them, you should read the article on Enabling Self Enrolment.