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Understanding the Yellow Star Icon


The green checkmark does not turn to a yellow star even though the due date for the course is fast approaching.


The yellow star status icon in the Compliance Overview is meant to indicate that a course needs to be completed soon.  If a user has already completed the course and they have a green checkmark, that checkmark will turn to a yellow star when the user first gets notified that they need to get re-certified. 

To determine when the green checkmark will change to a yellow star:

  1. Go to the program in question where this course has been assigned to learners
  2. Look at the "Send coming due notifications" number of days

If the program is configured to send a notification to learners 60 days before the due date, then the checkmark will turn to a yellow start 60 days before the user's actual due date.

Important Notes

  • This rule applies even if the notifications are disabled.
  • A course can be part of multiple programs. It's possible that the yellow star appears earlier than what a specific program states if different programs have different notification configurations.

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