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Performing Bulk User Actions

The "Bulk user actions" enables administrators to select users by creating a filter and then perform action in bulk on those users. These actions may include:

  • Confirm. Confirming user accounts that have been created through a self-registration method that have not yet been confirmed.
  • Send a message. Send an email message to the users.
  • Delete. Permanently delete user accounts.
  • Display on page. Display a list of users on the web  page.
  • Download. Download the user user data in text, CSV, PDF or other file format.
  • Force password change. Force users to change their passwords.
  • Add to cohort. Add users to a cohort. (Note that we strongly suggest using one of these methods instead.)
  • Touch selected users. A Unix-like command to update all users without changing their data. ("Touching" users will trigger all the events associated with updating a users, like synching them to programs and cohorts.)
  • Reset password. Reset every user's password with a random system-generated password and send that password to the user via email.

Step-by-step Guide

To perform bulk actions:

  1. Go to Site Administration > Users > Accounts > Bulk User Actions
  2. Find the users in question using the filters
    1. Once found, move them to the box on the right side of the screen, which is the "All selected" users box
  3. Select a bulk action from the "With selected users..." pulldown menu.
  4. Click on "Go".

Some action may require confirmation or other actions in order to complete. Simply follow the instructions on the screen to complete the bulk action.

Important Notes

  • This tool is very powerful and many of the actions cannot be undone. Be careful when using this tool.

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