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Browser Support for WCS

The following browsers are officially supported by BigBlueButton and tested with*. For the best experience and optimum security, we recommend that you keep your browser up to date and use the latest version. If you're not sure what browser you are using, you can visit

BrowserRecommended Version
Google ChromeLatest
Mozilla FirefoxLatest
Microsoft EdgeLatest

We also frequently test with the following mobile devices:

  • Mobile iOS (12.2+): Safari Mobile
  • Mobile Android (6.0+): Chrome Mobile

Connection Speed

You must have at least 0.5 Mbits/second upstream and 1 Mbits/second downstream in order to use BigBlueButton.  To check bandwidth, you can follow the steps outlined here: Testing Internet (Bandwidth) Speed.

You must also support be able to connect via certain ports to properly use the audio and/or video. To check if your browser and networking environment meets these requirements, you can follow the steps outlined here: Connecting to BigBlueButton

* The browser requirements for BigBlueButton are slightly less permissive than those for the learning environment. Click here to learn more about the supported browsers for the learning environment.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.