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Sending Reminders to Users regarding Mandatory Courses

Compliance (or mandatory) training needs to be assigned to learners via programs. By doing so, an instructor or administrator will be able to run reports informing them about compliance metrics. Assigning users to mandatory training via programs also allows you to send learners notifications and reminders when they are assigned to a new course, when the course is coming due (or overdue), or it's time for them to get recertified. You can also send notifications to the user's supervisor (if he/she has a supervisor identified in the learning environment) or an additional recipient. This can be done using the instructions below, or by following the Sending a Monthly Compliance Report to Supervisors article if you want to send one (1) notification to supervisors for all of their staff’s progress.

Step-by-step Guide

To send notifications about compliance (mandatory) training:

  1. Go to Site Administration > Programs

  2. Click on the "Edit" icon next to the program in question

  3. In the "Notifications" section, enable the notifications that you want to send

    1. The "Recipient" and "Event" that generates the notification is explained in the table next to teach notification.

  4. If you are enabling the "Additional Recipients" notifications, make sure you select the additional recipient(s) from the dropdown menu immediately below the notifications. 

  5. To change the frequency of the notifications (other than the "User is registered in the program" notification, which is always sent when the user is registered in the program), expand the "Show more..." section near the bottom of the page

  6. Specify your preferred frequency, including when you would like to start / stop sending the notifications

  7. Click on the "Save changes" button at the bottom of the page

Important Notes

  • When sending reminder notifications to enrolled users, they will get one (1) email per program. The email will contain a list of all coming due or overdue courses.

  • When sending reminder notifications to supervisors or additional recipients, they will get one (1) email per program per user. This means that they may receive a lot of emails. For this reason, we recommend instead to send Supervisors the "Compliance Summary" notification instead.

  • The default reminder resembles the screenshot shown below. In this example, the user is required to complete a single course, and their first name is “Student.” Please note that the appearance of the email may vary slightly depending on the email application being used (e.g., Microsoft Outlook, Gmail).


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