Managing Sales Receipts
The learning environment automatically issues sales receipts based on a template you've designed for your site. When a receipt is issued, it is automatically emailed to the user who made the purchase and they can also access it after the fact by visiting the Purchase History page in their Navigation block. That being said, as an administrator, you may want to find a receipt for specific individuals in order to download it, void it, or delete it.
Receipts are organized by users for ease of use.
Step-by-step Guide
To find a receipt for a user:
Find the user in question (using “Browse list of users”) and click on their name
Click on the "More" tab
Click "Receipts" under the "Miscellaneous" section

If the user has made any purchases, their receipts (for purchases made on this site) will appear. In the "Actions" column next to a receipt, you may:
Download the receipt. This will download the receipt in PDF format.
Void the receipt. This will add a “Void” watermark to the receipt, will be be seen by any user who downloads it going forward.
Delete the receipt. This will delete the current receipt. Next time the receipt is downloaded, it will be re-generated based on the new template.

Important Notes
If you void a receipt, users (including administrators, instructors and the user who made the original purchase) can still download the receipt but it will have a "voided" watermark in the background.
There is an optional column called “Voided by” to see who voided the receipt. Optional columns can be made visible by clicking on the 3 vertical dots in any column header and selecting "Columns", and then selecting which columns you want to show / hide.
You can unvoid a receipt.
If you delete a receipt, the action is permanent. In other words, unlike voiding a receipt (where you can unvoid it), you can not undelete a receipt. Deleted receipts are permanently gone and no one can download them. However, a user can still go to their Purchase History and click on the "Download receipt" icon. This action will result in the generation of a new receipt based on the new template.
Deleting a receipt is generally used when a receipt has errors on it and you need it re-generated. For example, if while testing, you notice that your corporate address is wrong, you can update your receipt template and delete the old receipt. When the new receipt is re-generated, it will show your new address.