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Grader Report

Audience: Instructors

Location: Course Administration > Grades

Asynchronous: No

Description: This report shows the grades for each activity as well as the overall grade for a course. The report is highly configurable and can show various columns depending on how it is configured, including:

  • The user's profile information (e.g. department, job title, employee number, etc.)
  • The grade for each activity that can be graded (e.g. classroom attendance, quizzes, assignments, SCORM lessons, etc.)
  • The overall grade for the course for each user
  • The overall average for each activity
  • The overall average for the entire course

The grades are colour coded. A grade in green means the learner has passed the activity and a grade in red means the learner has failed the activity. A grade in black simply means that the activity in question does not have a minimum pass grade configured. A filter allows the user to filter the report by first and last name for ease of use.

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