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Activity Completion (Basic / Advanced)

Audience: Instructors, Supervisors

Location: Course Administration > Reports > Activity Completion

Asynchronous: No

Description: This report lists all users enrolled in a course and whether or not they have completed specific activities. The basic report is available in Moodle. The advanced version of the report was developed by Dual Code and is highly configurable. It can break down the information by face-to-face session, thereby allowing instructors to only see information for the sessions that they teach (instead of seeing all sessions in the course being taught by other instructors).

The report show various columns depending on how it is configured, including:

  • The user's profile information (e.g. department, job title, institution, etc.)
  • The status for each activity in the course where activity completion is enabled

A filter allows the user to filter the report by first and last name for ease of use. 


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