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Getting Started

Welcome to HCE Marketplace (formerly HCE Express), an award-winning HCE learning environment designed for organizations that want to sell or offer training to external healthcare workers. Whether your courses are self-paced or instructor-led, accredited or non-accredited, free or for a fee, HCE Marketplace will help you quickly launch your courses and make them instantly accessible to healthcare professionals working across Canada and the rest of the world. Once you publish your courses in HCE Marketplace, they become immediately visible to more than 1 million healthcare workers (including physicians, nurses, personal support workers, medical students, volunteers, and other staff) already registered in the OCI™ network.

Please take 3 minutes to read the “What is HCE Marketplace” and “What is OCI” articles to better understand our products and services. Once you are done, jump to the “Where do I start” page for guidance on how to make the most of your time to master HCE Marketplace.

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