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Viewing a Learner's Answers in a SCORM Activity

You may at time need to verify what a learner answered in a quiz that is embedded in a SCORM activity. Unfortunately, the information that comes from a SCORM file is sometimes encoded. This depends on the authoring tool you used to create the SCORM in the first place. That being said, whatever information is sent by the SCORM activity is stored in the learning environment and can be accessed by an instructor or administrator.

Step-by-step Guide

To view what a learner answered in a SCORM quiz:

  1. Go to the SCORM activity in question (you must be an instructor or administrator)
  2. Click on the "Reports" tab. Do not "Enter" the course.
  3. Click on "Interactions Report"
  4. Find the user in question (there are search tools at the bottom of the page)
  5. Click on the attempt in question (see screenshot below)

Important Notes

  • As per the earlier note, the learning environment can only store (and display) the information that it is sent by the SCORM activity. If the Interactions report does not have enough information, consider modifying your SCORM package to make it send more information.
    • Given the different SCORM authoring tools available on the market today, Dual Code cannot provide any recommendations on how to improve your SCORM package to have it send more / better information. Please consult the documentation for your SCORM authoring tool.

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