Verifying the Authenticity of a Certificate of Completion
The new certificates of completion introduced in version 3.9.14 can automatically send a message to instructors when a user completes a course. That being said, users who are not instructors for the course in question, and even users who do not have access to the learning environment, can verify the authenticity of a certificate.
When designing a certificate of completion, you can embed a unique code on the certificate that is 30-40 characters long. It will look something like this: 631b9377-035c-44a0-ad3e-e4c3ac1f0378. This code can simply be printed on the certificate of completion or can appear as a QR code. When it appears, anyone can verify the code using their smartphone or browser.
Step-by-step Guide
To add the code as part of a QR code:
Go to Site Administration > Courses > Manage certificates
Click on the edit icon next to the certificate in question
Under the "Other Options" section, set "Print Certificate QR Code" to "Yes"
We also recommend that you set "Print QR Code in the first page" to "Yes" as well (unless you want your certificate to contain multiple pages)
If you click on the "Show more..." link still in the "Other Options" section, there are two fields that allow you to position your QR code:
Certificate QR Code Horizontal Position
Certificate QR Code Vertical Position
Click on the "Save" button at the bottom of the page

To add a code in text format:
Go to Site Administration > Courses > Manage certificates
Click on the edit icon next to the certificate in question
In the "Certificate Text" area, enter {CERTIFICATECODE} (with the curly braces)
Click on the "Save" button at the bottom of the page
To verify the authentication of a certificate that has a QR code:
Using your smartphone, scan the QR code.
Many smartphones will allow you to scan the QR code simply by launching your camera and pointing it at the QR code. Other (usually older) phones may require that you install a QR reading app on your smartphone.
Go to the URL provided by the QR reader
Click on the "Verify Certificate" button

To verify the authentication of a certificate that has a code displayed in text:
Go to the site in question.
Go to /mod/simplecertificate/verify.php
For example, if the certificate of completion was issued by My Dual Code, which is located at, you would go to
Manually enter the code in the text area
Click on the "Verify Certificate" button
Important Notes
The QR code approach is generally the preferred approach if someone needs to verify the authenticity of the certificate out in the field. Since most people nowadays have a modern smartphone, they can easily verify the authenticity of a certificate by scanning the QR code, which is easier than typing a 30-40 digit unique code.
The QR code also displays the unique code near its bottom. This code is the exact same code that would be printed if you were to use the {CERTIFICATECODE} approach.