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How Fast Does my Internet Have to Be?


How fast does my internet connection have to be?


If you feel that the learning environment is slow, or that the built-in Web Conferencing Service is choppy or lags, it's most likely because you are accessing the learning environment from a computer or mobile device that has slow internet speed.

To verify the speed of the internet connectivity:

  1. Log in the learning environment
  2. Go to User Menu > Speed Test as per the screenshot below.
  3. Click on the "Start speed test" button.
  4. Wait approximately 30 seconds for the tests to complete.

If the results that are less than 10 Mbps for "Download" or 2 Mbps for "Upload", the latency is likely because you are accessing the learning environment from a computer or mobile device that has slow internet speed. If you are accessing the learning environment from within your organization, consult with your IT department. If are accessing the learning environment from home, you may need to upgrade your internet speed at home.

Important Note

  • The 10 Mbps download and 2 Mbps upload are strictly suggestions - not a hard and fast rule. It really depends on the type of learning content your instructors upload to the system. An organization that uses a lot of HD videos in their courses for example will certainly want their users to have more bandwidth than an organization that uses mostly text-based training material.

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