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Generating a Learning Record for a Partial Attendance

Generally speaking, a learner must fully attend an instructor-led session in order to receive a learning record. There are however circumstances where you may want to issue learning records even if a user shows up late, leaves early, or otherwise misses a portion of a session as long as it's below a certain threshold. This can be configured in the learning environment by specifying a percentage.

For example, if you feel that a user who attends 50 minutes of a 1 hour session should receive a learning record, you can specify that someone who attends 83% of the session can receive a learning record. You can of course round that percentage down to 80%, or up to 85% as you see fit.

Step-by-step Guide

To specify a minimum threshold above which a learner will receive a learning record for attending a session:

  1. Go to the face-to-face session in question
  2. Go to Face-to-face administration > Settings (to view the activity's settings)
  3. In the "Activity completion" section, change the "Attendance" value to something lower than 100%.
    1. For example, if you want the user to attend 7 hours total of a 10 hour session, enter "70" in "Must attend ___ % of the session".
  4. Click on the save button at the bottom of the page

Important Notes

  • A value of 100% (the default) means the user must fully attend the class. This is the equivalent of "Fully attended" in earlier version of the software.
  • The calculation is done based on the value of the "Duration" field as per the screenshot below and does not depend on the session's "Start Time" and "Finish time". This is because sessions often require breaks and lunches that are not reflected in the start and end times, and sessions may also span across multiple days.

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