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Course Overview

Audience: System Administrators, System Coordinators

Location: Site Administration > Reports > Course Overview

Asynchronous: No

Multi-site Friendly: No

Description: This report lists the most active courses in the system, where an "activity" is defined as the number of views + the number of posts from users in a course, over a period of time. In this report, "views" are instances of a user accessing a resource or activity to "read" or download it, while "posts" are more active responses such as submitting a quiz, submitting an assignment, or responding to a discussion forum.

The report type has 4 options:

  • Most active courses: The course with the most activities.
  • Most active courses (weighted): The number of activities divided by the number of enrolled users.
  • Most participatory courses (enrollments): The number of enrolled users who are active divided by the total number of enrolled users. (Active users are users with activity in the time period specified.)
  • Most participatory courses (posts / views): The number of posts divided by the number of views.

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