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Can I Create a Custom Role or Modify an Existing Role?


Dual Code’s HCE platform is based on Moodle, and Moodle allows the creation of custom roles. Can our organization create a custom role or ask Dual Code to create one for us?


The short answer is no.

While Moodle does allow for the creation of custom roles, it's important to note that Moodle itself does not provide technical support or assume responsibility for the privacy and security of your learning environment. Custom roles can pose significant challenges when it comes to product support and enforcing privacy and security protocols.

For instance, a common request is to grant the capability to "login as other users" to roles like the System Coordinator. What many organizations fail to realize is that if System Coordinators were given this capability, they could essentially emulate a System Administrator. This means that when you assign the role of System Coordinator to a user, you might believe their capabilities are limited, but in reality, they could easily assume the permissions of a more powerful user role.

Furthermore, Dual Code runs over 30,000 tests on our nightly builds to verify not only the functionality but also the privacy and security of our platform. These tests are conducted in the context of the specific roles included in our product. If your system has different roles than those provided, these tests would not be applicable. The same issue arises with custom roles created specifically for your organization.

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