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Are users notified when they are enrolled in a course?


Are users notified when they are enrolled in a course?


Whether users receive notifications upon course enrolment depends on the enrolment method used:

Manual Enrolments: If you manually enrol users in a course, they will not receive a notification from the system. Note that while you may enrol instructors in a course (so that they can manage the course and view reports), you should rarely manually enrol learners in a course. If the course is mandatory, you should instead leverage programs. If the course is optional, you should let users self-enrol.

Self Enrolments: If users enrol themselves in a course, the notification they receive depends on the setting of the "Send course welcome message" option in the enrolment plugin.

Program Enrolments: For users enrolled in a course through a program, notifications depend on the "User is registered in the program" notification setting within the program. This setting only applies when a user is initially added to the program, not the course. If you add a course to an existing program, you will be prompted to choose whether to send a notification to learners about the new course. The decision to send the notification is based on how you respond to this prompt.

Face-to-Face Sessions: When users sign up for a face-to-face session, they may receive a calendar invite depending on the "Session booking confirmation" setting in the face-to-face activity. Note that signing up for a session is technically different from course enrolment, although they can happen simultaneously.

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