Completion Rates
Audience: PAS Administrator
Location: Performance Appraisal System > Completion Rates
Asynchronous: No
Multi-site Friendly: No
Description: This report gives you statistics, organized by Supervisor. It contains 8 columns:
Appraiser(s). The name of any Supervisor who is assigned to a form OR locked a form. Note that if a form is not assigned to any Supervisor, it will not appear in this list.
Manager. The immediate Supervisor(s) of the Appraiser in question. This may be another Manager, a Director, a VP or even the CEO. When a user has more than 1 supervisor, each supervisor is listed on a separate line
Total Assigned to Appraiser. The total number of appraisals either assigned OR completed by the appraiser in question.
Total Completed by Appraisee. The total number of appraisals completed by the appraisee. By "completed", we mean the employee clicked on the "Save & Submit" button. Given that there can be multiple back and forth between the employee and their manager, if the manager reassigns the appraisal form back to the appraisee for further information, the appraisal is not longer considered as "completed by appraisee" for the purpose of this report.
Total Completed by Appraiser. The total number of forms completed by the appraiser. By "completed", we mean the appraiser clicked on the "Save & Submit" button, or the form has been "locked" by the appraiser. Given that there can be multiple back and forth between the employee and the manager, if the manager re-assigns the form to an employee, and that employee re-submits the form and the appraisal is now waiting for the manager to provide further information, the appraisal form is no longer considered "Completed by appraiser" for the purpose of this report.
Total In Review. The total number of forms that were submitted by both the employee and their manager at least once BUT ARE NOT YET LOCKED.
Total Locked: The total number of forms that are locked.
Percentage Locked. Column 7 divided by column 3 expressed as a percentage.