Assigning Appraisals to Supervisors
If implemented correctly, the system already has a representation of your organization’s hierarchy. In other words, the system has a tree (or in some cases, a matrix) that starts with your organizations' CEO and drills all the way down to front-line workers. This hierarchy is based on information imported in the system from your organization’s Active Directory or HCM / HRIS system.
Once an employee submits their appraisal, it is automatically assigned to their supervisor. In the event that a user has multiple supervisors, the appraisal will be assigned to all supervisors and it is up to them to decide which of the supervisors should complete the appraisal. The PAS only allows appraisals from one (1) supervisor at a time. As such, even though multiple supervisors may have read-access to the feedback provided by the employee, only one (1) supervisor should provide their own feedback.
The following are frequently asked questions related to how supervisors are assigned to employee appraisals.
Q. When can a supervisor fill out an appraisal for an employee?
A. The PAS requires the employee to fill out the appraisal form first. In other words, the process starts with a self-appraisal. Only once the self-appraisal is complete can the supervisor proceed with an appraisal of the employee.
Q. How does the system know which supervisor to assign the appraisal to on a per employee basis?
A. If implemented correctly, the system already has a representation of your organization’s hierarchy. In other words, the system has a tree (or in some cases, a matrix) that starts with your organizations' CEO and drills all the way down to front-line workers. This hierarchy is represented through the use of cohorts. When an employee completes their self-appraisal, the system will automatically assign the appraisal to any user that has the role of supervisor for a cohort that the user belong to. In other words, if the user belongs to the “ICU” cohort and “Jane” is the supervisor of the ICU cohort, than the appraisal will be automatically assigned to Jane.
Q. What happens if the employee has multiple managers?
A. It is quite common for the employee to belong to multiple cohorts, or for a cohort to have multiple supervisors. When that is the case, the system will assign the appraisal to all supervisors of all cohorts the user belongs to. This means that any supervisor can fill out the appraisal form.
Q. Is it possible to restrict the list of supervisors so that the appraisal is not assigned to all supervisors (in the case where an employee has multiple supervisors)?
A. Yes. A system-level administrator can restrict the list of supervisors for the purpose of appraisals. This can be done based on information stored in each user’s profile. To restrict the list of available supervisors, go to Performance Appraisal System > Settings. By default, the “Appraiser(s)” setting will be set to “All supervisors managing a cohort the employee is a member of”. If you want to restrict it, you can use the “Search” box to select one or more user profile fields. If a field is selected, only the appraiser(s) defined in this field will be assigned to the user’s appraisal form.

To illustrate this, let’s say that in each user's profile is a field called “Manager”. According to this field, Matthew's manager is Sarah, but Sarah has assigned a delegate named Karim to help her manager her team. If the “Appraiser(s)” field in the screenshot above is left to “All supervisors managing a cohort the employee is a member of”, then both Sarah and Karim would be able to fill out Matthew’s appraisal. However, if using the “Search” field you selected “Manager”, then only Sarah would be able to fill out Matthew’s appraisal.