Delegating Supervisor Duties
The learning environment is capable of automatically representing your organizations' hierarchy such that a supervisor can track the participation and progress of their direct reports without seeing other learners that do not report to them. Some supervisors however may want to delegate some of their tracking or reporting duties to other people.
Step-by-step Guide
To delegate your management duties:
Go to Site Administration > Users > Cohorts
Click on the Assign Administrators icon next to your cohort. In general, each supervisor will only see 1 cohort in this list, but it is possible that you see more than 1.
Select the user(s) you want to delegate your supervisors duty to from the list on the right and using the "Add" button, move them to the box on the left.
Note that in step 3, if the box on the right is empty, it's because no one is reporting to you. You can only assign users who are already members of your cohorts to supervise this cohort. If you do not see anyone, please contact an administrator.

Important Notes
Unlike other roles, which must be assigned manually (usually by a System Administrator), the Supervisor role cannot be assigned manually. It is automatically assigned to users when they become the administrator of a cohort. In other words, by following the step-by-step guide above, you are effectively assigning someone the role of supervisor and no other steps are required.