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Viewing a Copy of your Learning Record

Whenever you complete a course, the learning environment issues what is called a learning record. A learning record is a digital proof that you've completed all of the requirements for the course as specified by the instructor. The original copy of the learning record is generated by the learning environment that offers the course, and a duplicate copy of the course learning record is forwarded to My Dual Code™ or your employer’s site (depending on where accessed the course). 

To view a copy of the learning record for the course:

  1. Go to My Dual Code or your site (depending on where accessed the course)

  2. Go to your Learning History (generally available from the top menu but otherwise available from the Navigation block)

  3. Enter a start / end date when you would have completed the course

  4. Click on the "Show" button

A list of learning records for courses completed within the specified period will appear in a table. This include learning records issued by third parties.

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