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Unsubscribing from Emails

Courses may occasionally send you useful information via email, such as a reminder of an upcoming event or deadline. This information is very important and should not be ignored. That being said, if you feel that a site is sending you too many emails, it is possible for you to unsubscribe from all or some of them.

To unsubscribe from notifications:

  1. Go to the site in question (e.g. the site where the email came from)

  2. Go to your notification preferences by putting your mouse over your name on the top right of the screen and clicking on Preferences > Users

  3. Select “Notification Preferences”

  4. Disable individual notifications by clicking on the blue button next to the notification in question. If a notification is grey, it is already disabled.

You can disable all notifications by checking the "Disable notifications" checkbox at the top of the screen.

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