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Purchasing More than 1,000 Licenses

Most organizations selling courses offer discount pricing for buyers that require a large volume of licenses. They generally set special price points for “up to 1,000 users”, “up to 10,000 users”, or more than 10,000 users.

When an individual buying courses directly via My Dual Code buys a license “for everyone in their organization” however, that option is limited to 1,000 users as explained in the order summary. This is done in part to prevent fraud, but also because organizations that manage more than 1,000 users typically need better tools and reports to manage how their licenses are being used that go above and beyond the basic “Purchase History” report offered on My Dual Code.

If you need to purchase more than 1,000 licenses for a single course, consider subscribing to Dual Code’s budget-friendly HCE Workplace service or one of our other services such as HCE Standard aimed for larger organizations.

To learn more, you may contact Dual Code at

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