Downloading a Link or License Key
When you purchase a course, a receipt will be emailed to you. If you do not receive the email with a receipt attached to it within minutes, please verify your junk / spam email folder.
The body of that email contains instructions, and if applicable, a license key and a link. This key / link allows you and your staff to enrol in the course.
In the event that you do not have the email, key or the link, you may follow these steps to retrieve or recover the license key:
Go back to the course that you purchased.
Click on either “Purchase History” in the top menu, or the “License Management” on the left side of the screen .
In the Actions column next to the purchase in question, click on the “Copy enrolment link” or the “Copy license key” icons depending on which one you prefer.
You can use the link yourself and/or send it to your staff so they can enrol in the course without having to pay for it
You can use the key to add the OCI course to one of your own courses or program in your learning environment powered by Dual Code (using the “OCI Course” activity)