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Adding a Program

Programs are used to assign users to courses and send reminders.

Step-by-step Guide

To add a program:

  1. Go to Site Administration > Programs > Add/edit programs

  2. Click the "Add a program" button

  3. Fill out the form

    1. In the "General" section, give the program a title. If you do not want the program to be assigned just yet, set its visibility to "Hide". You can set it to "Show" when the program is ready to go live.

    2. In the "Training Requirements" section, select the list of courses that are to be included in the program. You can also specify the "Days to complete", which will determine in how many days users have to complete the courses.

    3. In the "Notifications" section, you can enable / disable the notifications and customize them. Note that for the most part, the default notification settings should be acceptable. If they are not, you should consider changing the defaults instead.

  4. Click on the "Save changes" button

Many fields in the program settings page have a help icon next to them. If you are not sure what the field means, click on the help icon next to it in order to view a brief description of the field.

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