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Viewing the History of a Classroom Session (or Attendance Records) Import

When classroom sessions (or attendance records) are imported in the system by a System Administrator using a CSV file, the process is done asynchronously (in the background). When the job is finished, the user is informed via a notification.  It is possible at any given time to go back and view the history of the job. This can be helpful:

  • To see where it stands in the queue
  • To see when it started / finished (and indirectly, how long it took)
  • To view the results after it's been processed

Step-by-step Guide

To view the history of a job:

  1. Go to Site Administration > Courses > Upload Sessions and Attendance > View History
  2. Find the job in question
    1. They are ordered from the most recent jobs at the top to the oldest job at the bottom.

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