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Reactivating the Subscription Services


A message appears at the top of the screen informing all System Administrators that "There is a problem with processing your payment. As a result, some services have been temporarily suspended. This includes the ability to create new user accounts."

This problem generally presents itself when one of the following occurs:

  • Dual Code cannot invoice for the services because the agreement has expired and/or a purchase order is required.
  • The services have been invoiced but payment is past due even though reminder messages have been sent.

This message would only appear if Dual Code has made multiple attempts at contacting your organization. This may include attempts to contact your procurement group and/or key individuals who are listed as your representatives in our Help Desk.

When this message appears, some of the learning environment services have been temporarily suspended. At a minimum, user accounts can no longer be created. This means that:

  • Administrators can no longer create accounts in the system and will receive an error message when trying to do so.
  • If Active Directory or HRIS integration is enabled, trying to create accounts using either of these two systems will fail.
  • If self-registration is enabled, users can no longer self-register on your system and will see an error message.

Other capabilities may also be affected.


To eliminate this message, payment must be made in full to Dual Code. If you need a copy of your invoice or for any other questions, please contact your Account Manager or Dual Code's Help Desk.

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.