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Inserting Code Snippet on All Pages

There may be times when you want to insert a snippet of code on all HTML pages in the site. This could be useful for example to integrate chat software for technical support or sales. 

Step-by-step guide

To insert code snippet on all web pages:

  • Go to Site Administration > Appearance > Themes > Dual Code > Footer
  • Click on the "HTML" button in the "Footnote" setting to make sure you are viewing the source code.
    (The "HTML" button looks like <>. You may first need to click on the "Show more buttons" in order to view the "HTML" button. See the screenshot below for more details.)
  • Paste your snippet of code in the "Footnote" field once in HTML mode.
  • Click on the "Save changes" button at the bottom of the page

Once the code has been saved, you can navigate to different pages to verify that your code snippet is active.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.