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Importing Quiz Questions

The learning environment has a number of different formats that can be used to import questions into question bank categories. These include some proprietary quiz software formats, as well as text and XML formats.

Step-by-step Guide

To import questions into the question bank:

  1. Go to the course in question

    1. If you are importing questions for multiple courses at the same time, you can go to any course but make sure to select an appropriate "Import category" in step 4 below.

  2. Go to Course Administration > Question Bank > Import

  3. Select a file format that matches the file you are importing

  4. Verify the information in the "General" section, including the "Import Category" for your questions

  5. Drag 'n drop your file to the "Import" text area

  6. Click on the Import button


Important Notes

  • Once the questions are imported, you still need to add them to a Quiz activity

  • When importing questions for the Epic Systems EMR, the questions (which first need to be converted by Dual Code) must be imported using the “GIFT” type.

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