Changing the Renewal Window for Courses Being Sold
Users are to renew a license for a course before (or after) that course expires. Administrators are able to specify how far ahead of the license expiration users can renew. By default, the value is 180 days, but the administrator can easily modify it at the system level. Once modified, the new value takes effect immediately for all courses sold.
Step-by-step Guide
To change the default renewal window:
Go to Site Administration > System Configuration
Click on the “Learning Management” tab
Find the “Renewal window” setting
Specify the renewal window (in days)
Click on the save changes at the bottom of the page

Important Notes
The value is in days.
A value of 180 days for example means that a user can renew a license 180 before it is set to expire.
Once modified, the new value takes effect immediately for all courses sold.