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Adding Questions Based on a Previous Answer in a Feedback Activity

It is possible to direct the user to specific questions depending on a previous answer. For example, if they say 'No' to the question "Would you recommend this course to your colleagues?", they will be directed to a different question from if they answer 'Yes'. 

Step-by-step Guide

To set up conditional questions:

  1. Set up your initial question as you normally would and make sure you give it a label.
  2. Add a page break, which is an option in the list of question types
  3. Add the conditional question that you want to display if, for example, the user answers 'No'.
    1. In 'Dependence item', select the Label of your first question.
    2. In 'Dependence value' type your dependent answer (such as 'No' in our example). You can only specify one (1) dependence value per question.
    3. See the screenshot below for what the conditional question would look like.
  4. You may follow the same process if you also want to ask the user for more information if they replied 'Yes'

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