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Configuring the PAS

The Performance Appraisal System (PAS) gives its Administrators the ability to configure who will be automatically granted read-access to appraisals once they are filled out by supervisors. The options are:

  1. Only the supervisor who completed the form

  2. All supervisors the employee was reporting to when the form was assigned to the employee (this is the default option)

  3. All supervisors the employee reports to currently (read "Important Notes" section regarding privacy limitations with this option)

Step-by-step Guide

To configure the read-access:

  1. Go to Performance Appraisal System > Settings

  2. Select your preferred option from the pulldown menu next to "Read access"

  3. Click on the "Save changes" button

Important Notes

  • Option 1 is considered the safest, most secure option. If you select option #1, you can still assign read-access for a form to other supervisors manually if / when needed.

  • Option 2 is the default and maintains the behavior that already existed prior to the introduction of this setting.

  • Option 3 is the least secure option, but often the one preferred by administrators given its flexibility. When option 3 is selected, anyone who can create cohorts in the learning environment can grant themselves access to anyone's appraisal. That user could create a cohort, make themselves the administrator of that cohort, and then add any/all users to that cohort in the system, thereby granting themselves access to everyone's appraisals. 

  • The PAS Administrator can always see all locked forms regardless of the setting above.

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