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Getting Started

Welcome to My Dual Code™, a state-of-the-art Learning Experience Platform (LXP) designed to elevate the learning journey of Canadian healthcare professionals.

My Dual Code offers a dynamic and highly personalized learning environment that adapts to the specific needs of healthcare workers, whether or not their organizations are part of the Open Collaboration Initiative (OCI™). As a gateway to the OCI Marketplace, this LXP provides access to a vast library of healthcare-related courses created by Canada's most respected institutions, including teaching hospitals, regulatory bodies, and healthcare associations.

What distinguishes My Dual Code is its intelligent AI-driven learning capabilities. With AI-powered course recommendations, the platform suggests tailored learning pathways based on your professional background, learning history, interests, and career objectives. This ensures that you stay engaged with relevant, timely, and high-quality content that enhances your knowledge and skills in real-time.

In addition to curated content, My Dual Code provides seamless access to compliance tracking, automatically aligning learning materials with regulatory requirements. This feature is particularly valuable for healthcare professionals seeking to meet industry standards while advancing their careers. The platform also integrates peer collaboration tools, enabling you to connect with colleagues, share knowledge, and participate in discussions, creating a holistic and interactive learning experience.

Whether you're aiming to stay compliant with evolving regulations or looking to advance your career, My Dual Code provides an intuitive, flexible, and comprehensive learning experience tailored specifically for healthcare professionals.

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