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Reminding Users About Expiring Licenses


Does the system automatically remind users that the license they purchased is about to expire?


Yes, the system can automatically notify users when their purchased license or licenses are approaching expiration. The process varies based on the number of licenses purchased, as outlined in the two scenarios below.

Scenario #1: Self-enrolment

If a user purchases a single license for personal use, the system will automatically send them a reminder 7 days before their enrollment expires. However, this setting can be customized for each course by adjusting the “Notification threshold” within the enrollment method settings (located under Course Administration > Users > Enrollment methods > Self-enrollment (Advanced)).


Scenario #2: Bulk Purchases

If a user purchases licenses in bulk, the system will automatically notify the purchaser through email and built-in web notifications, delivered every Monday as needed. There are five reminders: 60, 15, and 7 days before the expiration date, on the expiration date itself, and 7 days after. The notification message will appear as shown in the screenshot below.


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