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Offer Freemium Content

The term freemium refers to a business model where a site offers basic courses for free while charging for a fee for more advanced courses or other features or services, like access to a mentor for example. The word "freemium" is a combination of "free" and "premium."

If your organization offers all of its courses for free, you may disregard the advice below.

image-20240816-190047.png Preview: Consider offering a free preview or trial of your course by including a selection of lessons. This allows prospective buyers to sample the content and get a sense of the course's quality before committing to a purchase.

image-20240816-190047.png Free Courses: If your course consists of only one lesson or doesn't lend itself to offering a preview (e.g., instructor-led courses that aren't easily previewed), consider offering other courses for free. This can attract visitors to your site and encourage them to purchase other courses.

image-20240816-185057.png = Automated by HCE Express
image-20240816-190047.png = Managed by you

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