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Managing Series

For organizations that want to sell courses as a bundle (with or without a discounted price), it is recommended that you create a series.

What is a Series?

A series is essentially an empty course that just provides a description for the courses that you will bundle. Once the course is empty, you do not need to add any activities to this course. You simply have the other courses (e.g. the courses that will be bundled together) point to this new course.

You also want to enable the self-enrolment method on the series and set the price. When a user enrols in the series, they will automatically be enrolled in all the courses. The price therefore needs to reflect the price of all the courses that are bundled together. For example, if a series includes 3 courses at $10 each, the price you set on the series should be $30. If you want to offer a 10% discount when people purchase the series, you should set the price at $27.

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