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Make Registration Easy

Making registration easy is vital for reducing friction and ensuring that potential learners follow through with their decision to enroll. A streamlined, user-friendly registration process eliminates unnecessary steps, minimizing drop-offs and frustration. By keeping forms short and straightforward, you can increase conversion rates and create a more positive experience that encourages learners to complete their sign-up quickly.

image-20240816-185519.png Leverage OCI: OCI, among other features, is a single sign-on (SSO) solution that enables users to register for your courses using their existing accounts. It also allows users to automatically download and store a copy of their proof of completion on their preferred site, whether it’s My Dual Code or their employer’s LMS. By letting users register for your courses with their OCI account, you reduce the friction of creating a new account, enhance user convenience, and improve security.

image-20240816-185122.png Registration Form: Simplify the registration form by asking only for essential information such as name and email address. Long forms can lead to a higher rate of abandoned carts.

image-20240816-185057.png = Automated by HCE Express
image-20240816-190047.png = Managed by you

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