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Leverage Social Media, Web, and Email Marketing

Social Media, Web, and Email Marketing are crucial for driving traffic and visibility to your online courses. They help you reach a broader audience, build relationships with potential learners, and nurture leads through consistent engagement. Effective marketing across these channels can boost conversions and establish trust in your brand, ultimately leading to higher sales.

image-20240816-190047.png Social media integration: Promote your site and individual courses on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or X (Twitter) to reach a wider audience.

image-20240816-190047.png Web: Ensure that your regular web site has a link to your learning site that is clearly displayed.

image-20240816-190047.png New or updated content: Select the “Send a content change notification” option whenever an activity in your course significantly changes to encourage your learners to come back and review the new material.

image-20240816-190047.png Enrolment expiration: Enable the “Enrolment expiration” notification in the self-enrolment method to notify users prior to their enrolment expiration date.

image-20240816-190047.png Cross promotion: Leverage activity-completion based notifications after users complete a course to suggest alternative courses they may be interested in.

image-20240816-190047.png Forums: Use forums and discussion boards within your courses and encourage learners to subscribe to it and discuss the topic amongst themselves and create a community.

image-20240816-185057.png = Automated by HCE Express
image-20240816-190047.png = Managed by youou

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