Frequently Asked Questions about OCI
The short answer is anyone. Anyone can sign up for a free personal account on My Dual Code™ ( ) and enrol in courses listed in OCI. If an organization already has a learning environment powered by Dual Code, their staff can search for OCI courses from within their workplace learning environment and enrol in them. There are over 1,000 healthcare workplaces in Canada alone with a learning environment powered by Dual Code. Together, they represent over 1 million healthcare workers.
Yes. Many organizations offer their courses for free in OCI. Listing your courses in OCI is an excellent way to increase adoption and enrolment in your courses. There are over 1 million healthcare workers registered in OCI and enrolling in courses on a regular basis.
Yes. You can set a fee on your courses. Users will have to pay this fee in order to enrol in your courses. Payment methods include credit card, cheque and EFT (electronic funds transfer) depending on your volume and agreement with Dual Code.
Organizations under a premium plan can develop a custom form and require users to fill out that form before accessing their courses. This form allows you to collect demographics on your users.
Please be aware that requiring users to complete a form before accessing courses can be a hindrance. The more personal information you request, the higher the likelihood that users will abandon the self-registration process.
No. OCI is secure and your courses remain your intellectual property. When users self-register on your site via OCI and enrol in your courses, they are creating an account on your learning environment. There is no way for an individual to download your course and install it in their learning environment. They can only view courses that you’ve already decided to make available to the general public.
Very easy. You can have your first course published in the OCI marketplace in a matter of hours. Afterwards, publishing additional courses is a matter of minutes. Note that this does not include the time to design and develop your SCORM packages or other multi-media courses.
If you do not already have a learning environment powered by Dual Code, contact us at to get started.